Baking with Ashleigh – Lemon cupcakes

Baking with Ashleigh – Lemon cupcakes

Ashleigh’s been helping out in the kitchen for ages now, although his main job is still passing ingredients and stirring, he certainly stepped up and started demanding certain dishes to be cooked. (mostly chocolate cake and pancake…)

Today we made some very simple lemon cupcakes. It’s perfect to make with toddlers because you don’t have to cream the butter with sugar, which normally involves an electric hand whisk (due to my lack of arm power). And man, if you tried to turn one of those device on with a busy minded, grabby hands toddler around, you see why I think that’s a no-go.


  • 225g self-raising flour
  • 175g golden caster sugar
  • zest of 2 lemons
  • 2 tbsp of poppyseeds (optional)
  • 100ml of natural yoghurt
  • 3 eggs
  • 175g butter, melted and cooled slightlyli>


  1. Preheat oven to 180’C. Put some cake cases into the cake tin.
  2. In a big bowl, mix together all dry ingredients (flour, sugar, zest and poppyseeds).
  3. In a smaller bowl, whisk together yoghurt and eggs
  4. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry bowl, along with the melted butter.
  5. Mix till no lumps can be seen, spoon mixture into the case till it’s half full.
  6. Bowl licking
  7. Bake for about 20 mins. Cool.

The recipe comes with lemon icing on top, however I ran out of icing sugar so I just gave Ash a tube of icing and let him decorate the cakes. With unlimited supply of pink sweeties to sprinkle on top! The cake itself is light with a subtle sweetness. I omitted poppyseeds because Ashleigh doesn’t like them. The cake surely went down well with Ash and his dad chomping away!

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